Choosing Between a Cargo Trailer and a Utility Trailer (Yes, There’s a Difference)

Mar. 30 2020 Comparison By ___

You might be thinking that a cargo trailer and a utility trailer are essentially interchangeable, and there are certainly people out there who might use these terms as if they’re one and the same. However, in the trailer market, they do have some pretty significant differences. Differences that could alter what ultimately is best for you. That’s why Victory Custom Trailers has provided a breakdown of the two options, so when you stop by our location in Metamora, Michigan, you can let us know where you’d like to start your tour. We also serve those from Detroit and Flint.

Cargo Trailers

Cargo trailers, also known as enclosed trailers, come with a complete encasement in order to protect the cargo from the elements and road hazards. This cover is often made of steel or aluminum, depending on price and durability.


Of course, the biggest benefit is protection. An enclosed trailer is far more likely to keep the cargo inside safe from the elements and from anything that might get kicked up on the road. This can also apply to security. If you’re staying overnight somewhere and don’t want a passerby to snatch up anything you’re transporting, it’s much easier to lock the door of a cargo trailer and prevent anyone from getting at anything inside.

It’s also going to prevent items from falling off the trailer. While we still recommend tying things down to prevent anything from shifting around in transit, there’s less risk of your cargo falling onto the road itself and creating a hazard for other commuters.

Finally, cargo trailers often last longer. They’re built using durable materials and the covering over the deck allows the deck to last longer, since it’s shielded from the elements. If you’re willing to spend a little extra money, they’re a great choice. 

Most Common Uses for Cargo Trailers

  • Hobbies or work spaces
  • Mobile business/office
  • Small cargo
  • Recreational supplies

Utility Trailers

As you might have guessed, if cargo trailers are enclosed, then this makes utility trailers open. While you won’t necessarily have the same protective encasement, there are many ways to keep your cargo covered. Plus, this offers a number of other benefits as well. 


One reason why someone might choose a utility trailer is its lack of confinement. Not all objects will neatly fit inside the confines of a trailer. They can be bulky, oddly shaped, or simply big. Using an open trailer allows you to not have to worry about whether or not your cargo is going to fit. You’ll want to make sure everything is still relatively contained and tied down, but you’ll have a little more freedom to help fit everything you need to transport.

Utility trailers are also often more lightweight. With just the bare minimum in terms of construction, there’s less weight to accommodate. This can make traveling easier and more efficient.

Finally, there’s simply less of them to accommodate. They’re simpler, making them easy to maintain, plus they’re easier to store since they take up less room. This also makes them easier to load, and bonus, they’re usually more affordable.

Most Common Uses for Utility Trailers

  • Landscaping
  • Car hauling
  • Construction equipment
  • Junk removal
  • Furniture moving

Ultimately, what you choose will boil down to what you need. Both options are going to provide you with versatile performance and an easier cargo transport experience. It’s just a matter of figuring out which benefits will match your hauling habits. And sometimes, the best way to figure this out is to see the trailers for yourself. Stop by Victory Custom Trailers in Metamora, Michigan, and let one of our experienced staff show you what we have for sale. We welcome all those from Detroit and Flint.