An RV is an excellent way to elevate your camping trips from rugged to luxurious, but they come with some extra responsibilities. Keeping your RV clean will not only help you feel more comfortable in it, but can also prevent damage and big maintenance bills. We here at Victory Custom Trailers know that can seem like a lot to handle, so we’ve put together some tips to get you started. For more advice, or to see the RVs we have for sale, contact our store in Metamora, Michigan, today!

The Right Supplies

First, make sure you’re properly equipped. RVs have limited storage space, so you’ll need to consolidate down to a handful of travel-sized, multi-purpose cleaners and tools. Some that might come in handy include lemon juice, vinegar, and baking soda, which you’ll want if you’re cooking, anyway. Magic erasers, spongers, and microfibers will be gentle on your RV’s delicate surfaces, and dish soap can be used in a number of ways to keep things sparkling. 


One of the messiest and potentially least-sanitary places in any home is, of course, the kitchen. When cooking in your RV kitchen, wipe down all surfaces daily to prevent grease buildup. If you find buildup on your stove or in your oven, make a paste from baking soda and water and apply it to the entire surface, leaving it to sit overnight. In the morning, wipe and rinse off the surfaces to remove the grime. 

You should also clean out your fridge regularly, removing old food and wiping down all the shelves. Double-check everything in your pantry to make sure it’s not expired or worse, and wash and put away all dishes as soon as you’re done using them to avoid a pileup.


It’s easy to forget about cleaning the vents in your RV ceiling, but with the condensed living space, these vents can get gross fast. You won’t need to clean them all too often, but when you do, make sure to wash out the screens, clean the filters, and scrub the inside of the vent. Then leave them open for a bit, if possible, to help them air dry and air out.

 Clean As You Go

At home, it’s easy to leave things where they drop for a bit. There’s, relatively, a lot of space for stuff to get thrown around—but your RV doesn’t have that benefit. Make sure you put things away or clean them as soon as you can. Cleaning as you go will help keep your space tidier, prevent things from getting gross and hard to clean, and prevent things from setting into fabrics. 

We hope this helps you keep your RV clean and comfortable! For more tips, or to see our inventory of RVs, contact us at Victory Custom Trailers. We proudly serve the people of Detroit and Flint, Michigan—let us serve you today!