If you own livestock, it’s obvious how important cattle and horse trailers are for your operation! You need these vehicles for a number of reasons, such as taking an animal to the vet or traveling out of town for a show. To help you safely transport your animals, we at Victory Custom Trailers have compiled this brief guide. If you have any questions or want to check out stock trailers for sale in Metamora, MI, contact us and have a chat with one of our sales staff. We’re proud to be the leading horse trailer dealer for all those in Detroit and Flint.

Consider Your Livestock Towing Needs

To ensure you’re ready for a safe trip, you have to make sure your trailer is the right one for the job. To determine this, you’ll have to consider a few factors. Is the livestock trailer big enough for the number of animals you have to transport? Does it have the right kind of loading ramp for your stock? Does it have a floor made of non-slip material? If you’ve got the right trailer, it’ll make your journey way easier for you and your animals.

Once you’ve established that the stock trailer is the right fit for your needs, make sure that the tow vehicle is also up for the task! Find out the gross combined vehicle weight of the tow vehicle to learn the amount of weight it can safely haul. This includes the weight of the trailer, your animals, any passengers, and cargo.

Inspect Your Trailer

Always take time to conduct pre-trip inspections to ensure you catch problems before you hit the road. Test the turn signals, brake lights, and tail lights to ensure none have burned out and need replacing. Measure the tire tread and air pressure to ensure they match the manufacturer's recommendations.

The livestock trailer floor should be clean and rust-free. Make sure there are no sharp objects jutting out from any place that could injure your animals. Inspect the electrical connections and wiring to ensure they are in good condition. If you spot any problems with your trailer, get in touch with us at Victory Custom Trailers for professional repair and service. 

Use Safe Transportation Practices

Make sure you check the weather before you head out. That’s an essential part of staying safe on the road and ensuring your animals stay healthy and happy during the trip. Also, try to limit lane changes as much as possible. There are too many distracted drivers on the road and it's too easy to get into a collision when you change lanes. Pick a lane and stick to it as much as you can to help keep your ride safe.

Hopefully, this information will help keep both you and your livestock safe on the road! If you’d like to know more or want to check out livestock trailers for sale in Metamora, Michigan, get in touch with us at Victory Custom Trailers. We’re proud to be the preferred horse trailer dealer of Detroit and Flint.