If you’ve got a trailer, you’ll be using it to haul things professionally or personally. When you spend time towing a trailer behind you, you run the risk of experiencing trailer sway. When you feel your rig start to move side to side against your will, you can start to panic. Trailer sway is unsafe for many reasons so you must do your best to try and minimize it. 

Victory Custom Trailers has put together some tips for you to control swaying. If you’re looking for trailers for sale in Metamora, MI, contact us to see our wide selection of brands and models! We’re proud to be the chosen trailer dealer for our friends from Detroit and Flint. 


One of the best ways to counter trailer sway is to try and prevent it the best you can. If you’re a little proactive before you hit the road, you can reduce the chance of swaying. Conduct a pre-ride inspection to fix any brewing issues that can contribute to sway. Check the tire tread and air pressure to ensure that both are up to the recommendations in your owner’s manual. Load the cargo so that the weight is evenly distributed. Stay within the bounds of your tongue weight and avoid overloading as the weight limits are created for a reason. 

Tongue Weight

The leading cause of trailer sway is misplaced weight on the tongue. You should aim to rest 10 to 12% of the trailer's weight on the tongue. You can take your vehicle to a commercial scale at a truck stop or material supply place. You can then adjust or remove the weight accordingly. The heavier cargo should be placed at the front and centered from left to right. Make sure to secure the cargo in place so it doesn’t move around and undo all your careful placement!

Trailer Upgrades

There are some trailer upgrades that can make things a little easier for operators. One is a friction sway control device, which places resistance on the trailer and tow vehicle, thereby reducing the impact of wind gusts and sharp turns. This device will work best for trailers that have a low tongue weight percentage. 

If you’ve got a vehicle with a higher tongue-weight, you’ll need to use devices on both sides of the hitch. They can be adjusted so you tweak them for ultimate performance. Add some extra oomph on those more blustery days. Choose from three different styles to find the one that works best for you.

Dealing with Windy Conditions

Another big cause of swaying trailers is wind. The best way to deal with this is to try to avoid driving in windy conditions. Check the weather forecast before embarking on an adventure. If you see a high chance of wind, postpone the trip. 

However, this won’t be possible all the time. Sometimes you will have to travel on windy days to meet the deadline, while other times the wind might start up when you’re already driving. If you find yourself on the road when it’s windy, you have to work to minimize the sway.

Don’t keep slamming on the brakes as it’s a better idea to gradually reduce the speed while applying your trailer brakes first. Keep the trailer wheel steady and try to drive in as straight a line as possible. Avoid making any sudden turns or jerks to one side. If the wind is bad enough, it may be best to pull over and wait for it to die down.

We hope you’ll find these tips helpful in keeping you safe on the road. Remember to always prioritize safety! For further information or to check out quality trailers for sale in Metamora, MI, get in touch with us at Victory Custom Trailers and one of our expert staff members will help you out. We’re also the leading trailer dealer for Detroit and Flint.